Friday, June 13, 2008

syer tu aders pliss^-^

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I can’t solve this..”

GOD tells y0u…
“I will direct your path..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“It’s impossible..”
GOD tells y0u…
“Everything is possible..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
‘I feel all alone..”
GOD tells y0u…
“ Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I can’t do..”
GOD tells y0u…
“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I don’t deserve forgiveness..”
GOD tells y0u…
“I have fogiven you..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I am afraid..”
GOD tells y0u…
“Do not fear, for I am with you; I will strengthen you and help you”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I am tired..”
GOD tells y0u…
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“No one really love me..”
GOD tells y0u…
“I Love You”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“I don’t know how to go on..”
GOD tells y0u…
“I will show you the path..”

WhEn y0u sAy….
“What path does God have for me..?”
GOD tells y0u…
“MY Beloved Son JESUS CHRIST..”

…and when you want to know everything else that God wants to tell you…
ReAD ThE BiBLe..

Share this message..You will give the gift of life..God BleSS You…

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